Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30 :: Isaiah 9-10; Ephesians 3

Intro to Ephesians

Author: Paul

Date: 61

The Prison Epistles: Ephesians is considered to be one of the Prison Epistles, because it was written during Paul's imprisonment in Rome.

The City of Ephesus: Asia Minor - the gospel was spread throughout here; Christianity most likely came to Ephesus first through Aquila and Priscilla when on his second missionary trip, Paul stopped there. Ephesus was a large city and a center for commercial trade, politics, and religion (great temple of Artemis). 

Contents: "The great theme of this letter is God's eternal purpose to establish and complete His body, the church of Christ. In developing this theme, Paul discusses predestination (1:3-14), Christ's headship over the body (1:22-23, 4:15-16), the church as the building and temple of God (2:21-22), the mystery of Christ (3:1-21), spiritual gifts (4:7-16), and the church as the bride of Christ."

Information retrieved from Moody's Ryrie Study Bible, page 1875

1 comment:

  1. 6 things prayed for Ephesians:
    1. spirit of wisdom (v 17)
    2. spirit of revelation (v 17)
    3. full enlightenment of Truth (v 18)
    4. the hope of His calling (v 18)
    5. The riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (v 18; 1:7)
    6. The exceeding greatness of His power to those who believe (v 19; 3:19-20)
