Intro to Ephesians
Author: Paul
Date: 61
The Prison Epistles: Ephesians is considered to be one of the Prison Epistles, because it was written during Paul's imprisonment in Rome.
The City of Ephesus: Asia Minor - the gospel was spread throughout here; Christianity most likely came to Ephesus first through Aquila and Priscilla when on his second missionary trip, Paul stopped there. Ephesus was a large city and a center for commercial trade, politics, and religion (great temple of Artemis).
Contents: "The great theme of this letter is God's eternal purpose to establish and complete His body, the church of Christ. In developing this theme, Paul discusses predestination (1:3-14), Christ's headship over the body (1:22-23, 4:15-16), the church as the building and temple of God (2:21-22), the mystery of Christ (3:1-21), spiritual gifts (4:7-16), and the church as the bride of Christ."
Information retrieved from Moody's Ryrie Study Bible, page 1875