Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 7 :: Genesis 18-19; Matthew 6:1-18

Genesis 19:26

"But his wife, from behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."

Thousands of years later, Jesus references this...

Luke 17:32-33

"Remember Lot's wife. Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it."

Lot's wife looked back because she left her heart in Sodom and died for it. Let us always look ahead and rejoice at the unique pathways God has laid out for us! Let us always seek Him and never turn back to the places of slavery from where He rescued us!


It's about...........that's right..........

Losing yourself!

You will be found by Christ - (Amen.)


  1. I think that it is so crazy that all she had to to was keep running and not look back to be spared. God spared there lives and asked of only one thing. Keep running toward the city and don't look back or you will parish. What does she do, LOOK BACK! Also when Lots daughters get him drunk and have intercourse with him i made me think of the sin that comes from after drinking. You doing think of drinking as a sin but when you get drunk as humans our sin increases, because we loose control.

    Just want to bring up one verse that kept comming up in todays reading of Matthew. "And your father who sees everything will reward you"
    Is that not so true. So often we get wrapped up in ourselves and forget that its not about us, It's about him.

  2. Amen brother! Yes, it is all about Him who sees our every thoughts, knows us, and loves us.

    Here is something God taught me a little bit about tonight when I read this passage - it's to do with love.

    Genesis 19:29

    "Thus it came about, when God destroyed the cities of the valley, that God remembered Abraham..."

    REMEMBERED - a sign of love, concern

    Y'know how when a friend remembers something you said or did a long time ago, or just thinks about you in their daily life even when you are not together - how that makes you feel loved? God remembers us. And He loves to do it.

    I want to remember Him as often as possible. I want to love HIM in that way.

  3. Amen sister :) He is Love. You can not truly love others if you do not love him. For if you do not love God you do know love. He sent his son to die on the cross for us. If thats not love i don't know what love is. God has unfailing love and forgiveness toward us, even when we are so undeserving of it.

  4. There is so much truth to what sounds much like an oxymoron:

    Lose yourself and you'll actually find yourself.
    Give, and you'll receive three times more.
    Last will be first.

    You get the jist :)
