Intro to Philippians
Author: Paul
Date: 61; during imprisonment in Rome
About the Church of Philippi:
1) It was the first church established in Europe.
2) Philippi was a small city and was a military outpost with special privileges.
3) Paul's relationship with this church was always friendly.
4) This is a thank you letter for a gift the church sent Paul in prison through Epaphroditus.
5) Most personal letter Paul wrote to a church.
Although Paul was gentle in this letter, he also addressed some issues in undertones.
A) Rivalries/Personal Ambition (2:3-4, 4:2)
B) The Teaching of Judaizers (3:1-3)
C) Perfectionism (3:12-14)
D) The Influence of Antinomian Libertines (3:18-19)
Information retrieved from Moody's Ryrie Study Bible, page 1886